SAP HR Upgrade

Stay up to date with SAP HR

Do you want to have more control over it all?

Is your HR department no longer producing results?

We can support you with:

  • We support the process of uploading system patches (notes) to SAP.
  • We identify potential risks, describe the contents of the notes, upload and customize the notes, and restore overwritten extensions.
  • We upgrade SAP and support you in upgrading to a newer version, support you in the process of adapting and analyzing old solutions existing in SAP. We support the smooth transition to S4/HANA.
  • We create SAP ECC -> S4/HANA interfaces including interfaces for accounting, order transfer and payroll supplier/vendor transfer.

We are a company with many years of experience with SAP HR

We always put your needs first.

Let's meet

Fill in the form and we will introduce you to our services at SAP HR.

Implement KSeF SAP, KseF for SAP, e-Invoices